Sunday, January 22, 2012

Grateful Energy

Masaru Emoto (江本 , Emoto Masaru, born July 22, 1943) is a Japanese author and entrepreneur known for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. ....Dr. Emoto claimed that high-quality water forms beautiful and intricate crystals, while low-quality water has difficulty forming crystals. According to Dr. Emoto, an ice crystal of distilled water exhibits a basic hexagonal structure with no intricate branching. Emoto claims that positive changes to water crystals can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water...

...water easily takes on the vibrations and energy of its environment, whether toxic and polluted or naturally pristine, either within ourselves or surrounding us in others and the environment...                                                                                                                 --Wikipedia

I go through phases when I drink an iced decaf latte every day. Summer, winter, it doesn't matter. When I heard about  Masaru Emoto's work, I decided to permanently write, "Thank You!" on my water bottle and my iced latte glass which I use at home. If this creates a more positive drink for me, fantastic!
If nothing else, every time I reach for it, I think of being thankful--thankful for the latte, my health, the beautiful day, whatever pops into my mind.

Gratitude Crystal

Water from clear mountain springs and streams has beautifully formed crystalline structures, while the crystals of polluted or stagnant water are deformed and distorted.
Distilled water exposed to classical music takes delicate, symmetrical crystalline shapes.
When the words "thank you" were taped to a bottle of distilled water, the frozen crystals had a similar shape to the crystals formed by water that had been exposed to Bach's "Goldberg Variations" -- music composed out of gratitude to the man it was named for.
                                                           --from one of M. Emoto's books 

Of course you can decide for yourself to believe it or not. However, it's always a good idea to be aware of our thoughts and feelings, especially expressing and offering love and gratitude whenever possible.
The results, crystals or not, are a better self, community and world.

Sunday January 22, 2012

Breakfast:  Tuna salad with pineapple & onion, fruit, peppers, lettuce
Lunch:  Whole grain pasta with fresh vegetables, little bit olive oil (only half of bowl), non-fat latte
Dinner:  Ice Cream!  (Made with FRUIT only in "Yonanas" machine.)
              So really, fruit for dinner, not ice cream.

Still resting up, taking it easy. Ready to hit it hard again Monday at 7 a.m.

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