Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Grateful Winter Night

Tonight I'm grateful for my warm home. Even though I always feel cold in the winter...I know it's not really, compared to the dip in temperature outside.  Furthermore, there's always the extra space heaters when necessary, and lots of warm down bedding at night.

Our last home, which we sold just before the housing market plummeted, was a typical brick Chicago bungalow. The upstairs, originally an attic, had been remodeled to become one giant master bedroom.  One problem--no heat!  Technically there was a very small radiator in the tiny half-bath, but none in the bedroom which stretched the length of the house.

For ten years we climbed the steps every winter night and quickly buried ourselves beneath a robust, heavy-duty down comforter from Germany.  My parents had given us the "featherbed" as they called it, when they still lived in Lutzelhausen, just south of Frankfurt.  It was perfectly suited for sleeping conditions such as ours.

Chicago winters often see December and January temperatures fall below zero, sometimes seemingly for days on end.  On those nights we had ice on the inside of the windows above our bed, as well as on the outside.  That's how cold our bedroom was.  Yet, underneath that featherbed, it was very warm and toasty.

We did nothing to change it--never even looked into getting more heat upstairs.  We knew how the pioneers slept once their fireplaces were doused for the night!  We decided sleeping in a very cold room feels good.

However, I would not have come to that conclusion without that featherbed. 

Tonight as I think of the cold outside I'm filled with gratitude for all the support I've had throughout my life.  Just as we had our featherbed to keep warm at night when we needed it, I've had friends and loved ones when I've needed them, teachers and role models when I've needed them, as well as all kinds of inspiration academically, creatively and spiritually.

Life isn't always a warm cozy room, but we learn our lessons, make our way, and not only survive, but thrive as we accept and give love to each other along the way.

Yes, tonight I'm grateful
for all the warmth
in my life.

Wednesday January 18th 

Breakfast: Total Cereal, skim milk, strawberries
Lunch:  Thai Salad with chicken & balsamic vinaigrette
Snack:  Tangerine
Dinner:  Chicken Malai Kabob  from Essence of India
Skewered boneless chicken marinated in vinegar, lemon juice, garlic, ginger, egg white, corn flour and cream cheese with a sprinkle of lemon juice, green chili and cilantro (about one quarter of the serving!) /1/2 piece Naan & Rice

1 hr. personal training session
Chiropractic adjustment and deep tissue massage

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