Friday, February 3, 2012

Readjusting the Scale

My Gym in Summer
Wonderful angles and spaces.
Sometimes when using the track at my gym,
I practice the Eckhart Tolle technique of studying the spaces between things.
...Just think, spaces between things must be there in order for something to exist...
He believes, "Meditation occurs as an individual walks
while maintaining awareness of every movement, step, and sensation...
In that way, individuals can perceive the world from a deep state of presence."
This quiet focusing and awareness of every space, 
can inspire an inner knowledge of connection.
Looking forward to the weekend.

Trying to decide whether to spend time in the gym or take a break.  It doesn't seem logical to take a break with two stair climbs to go this month.  On the other hand, balance is important.

Last Sunday I decided to take a break from photographing and posting everything I eat. I concluded, in the interest of "balance" I would not take such pains with my food choices for awhile. I experienced a reasonable week, but not a result-bearing one!  Starting tomorrow I will begin that accountability tool once again. 

Balance might have to ride in the back seat this month.  
However, thinking about it... scale is actually tipped so far in the non-exercising position after decades avoiding it, balance is hardly an issue after all.

Going to bed early. 

You'll find me in the gym tomorrow morning.

1 hr. personal training session-- lots of running (well, for me lots) and TRX training

About TRX:

The original TRX Suspension Trainer was made by hand stitching a few long straps of parachute webbing! It was designed by a Navy Seals Officer who needed to find a training method to keep his Navy Seals team in peak physical condition.
  • Suspension training builds strength, improves balance, core stability and flexibility. It is adaptable to ALL fitness levels and physical abilities.
  • How is TRX work different from traditional strength training? It is functional in na­ture. Every exercise performed on the TRX requires the entire body to be used as an integrated system.                                                                     --


  1. I got hungry reading your blog and chewed threw the screen.Ouch!
    Keep up the good work!
