Saturday, February 25, 2012

Proceeding to the Stairwell

From my 2010 Las Vegas sketch book.
Last year on February 27th, I experienced my first stair climb--the 52 floor half-climb of the John Hancock building.  

Honoring a seemingly random thought which surfaced after a French lesson, I dreamed of climbing the Eiffel Tower in Paris and enjoying dinner at the Jules Verne restaurant--not on the same day as the climb of course! I then found myself typing "stair climbs chicago" into a Google search bar, and the rest is history.

The night before my first climb, I blogged:

I climb for the child in me who wants to play--with others, outside, every day--but who was not allowed.

I climb for the girl in me who didn't have an opportunity to be pushed physically by excelling in a sport.

I climb for the young adult in me who sought and searched, paid dues, settled down and closed down.

I climb for the mother in me who willingly poured everything possible into my children and forgot about myself for a long time.

I climb for the wife in me who continues to learn every day how to bring a better "me" to the relationship.

I climb for God's spirit in me which guides my steps.

I climb for the goal-seeker in me, the bull-dog, and the tenderness.

I climb for those who can't.

I climb for today.

A year later I agree with each line above, and now there is more.

I climb for inspiration to reach new heights.

     Sometimes it comes to me from deep inside...that place of
     longing and longing-fulfilled, that place of deep creativity which
     paints a picture of my climb ahead of time, which sings the thrill
     of the challenge, which directs my path.

     Other times the inspiration is external...joining hundreds (and
     sometimes thousands) on the same stairwell, seconds apart, but
     together in the same venture--men, women, and children of all

Two weeks ago, at the Oakbrook Terrace climb, a blank wall mural hung to the right of the climbers waiting in line to begin.  At the top of the hanging, it read, "I CLIMB FOR..." and markers were provided. 

As the line progressed, climbers wrote the names of  relatives with lung cancer, mothers with asthma, and loved ones who had passed.  Some wrote, "for exercise," and others wrote whatever popped into their head.

Moving fairly quickly, I didn't see the mural until I was right on it. My fingers grabbed the marker and scribbled off what sprung up from my subconscious:  "...for all the 60 yr. olds!"  as I proceeded to the stairwell doorway for my countdown.

Out of 633 climbers, only four other women in the 60 - 70 yr. old age bracket joined me in the stairwell that day.  While I realize stair climbing may not be the sport of choice for my age group, I also know many women my age are not moving. 

I move for them. 

I honor them wherever their journeys are taking them right now.

In addition, I am grateful to all those who have moved before me, opening the door to so many possibilities.

I climb--a moving illustration of a work in progress! 

I climb, an example for all to see that we have this moment to move, to dream, to ascend, and to transcend  past trials, disappointments, and judgements.

Respecting my inner voice, tomorrow I climb 94 floors of the John Hancock building, with over 4,000 others...

stepping up, in the miracle of this moment...


and yours.

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