Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Treat

Fall, the best season...of raking leaves and swishing them underfoot, denim and corduroy jackets, homemade apple butter, crock pot meals, pumpkin seeds-pies-soups, and hot spiced apple cider!

Today's treat on my new breadmaker, is Carrot Bread.  Thick and warm, chewy and sweet!  However, there is flour and sugar in the recipe.  Currently the only way I have to make this a "healthy" treat, is to give most of it away so we only get to eat a small, limited portion!  Next Suday I will experiment with substitutions for the flour and sugar.   

Please send your substitution ideas for the 1/2 cup of sugar and 1 1/4 cup flour.  I can look them up online of course, but I'd rather hear from readers who know from experience what works best.  Thanks!              

Throw all ingredients into bread pan and the machine does the rest!


  1. Swap half and half apple sauce and splenda for the sugar. I have nothing for the flour other than using whole wheat.

  2. I haven't used Splenda in a recipe before, only tiny amounts of it in a hot drink. 1/4 c. of it won't give the bread a splenda taste? I'm willing to try. Thanks!
    I'm curious, how did you find my blog? It's great that you did!!
