Thursday, October 28, 2010

9. New Thoughts Thursday

Thinking brand new thoughts that you've never thought wildly more conducive to creating big life changes than just thinking different varieties of the same old thoughts.
--from Mike Dooley's "A Note From the Universe" (

I am happy where I live. I accept it completely.

We sold our home, purchased a two-story condo, moving to the next phase of our lives, at the very end of the housing boom. If we had fully comprehended what would come next, of course we would not have made this move. The economy has slowed necessary building repairs to a snail's pace and de-valued our investment.

My choices are limited. The following is Dooley's advice, however any wise advisor would council the same.
1) I can leave--not at all wise financially.
2) I can change things--possible up to a point, but not fully.
3) I can accept my situation fully.

Thus, my new thoughts this Thursday: I'm putting away, setting aside permanently, all thoughts of despair, disappointment, frustration, and anger about our building....instead, "I am happy where I live. I accept it completely!"

When I wake in the morning, prepare a meal in my kitchen, set a table for guests, DVR "The Event" or watch "Paris 36" on our flatscreen, dine on our cafe-like deck, fill the bathtub, offer our guest room to a friend, raise the blinds each morning and lower them in the night... it is true. In the moment I am happy where I live.

I remember a glow I discovered four years ago on the first night we moved in. Above the kitchen counter, orange globes around each light bulb cast a pale, yet shimmery, golden light in every direction. As I opened the newly-filled silverware drawer I called out, "Harold, come look, our silverware is glowing!"

It's the same glow we see from the deck on warm summer nights after hours with good food, good wine and good friends, when we walk back inside and say goodnight.

Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.--unknown

It's the same warm glow I feel when I imagine my fullness of heart, hiking up the mountain next October with friends and family at my side, one step at a time.


  1. Very good. Being happy means accepting where we are as well as who we are right at this moment. As you say, it does not mean perfection but it does not mean that we can't still dream and work towards something else that we would like. Accepting compeltely who you are now will help you to keep a realistic check and propell you towards the goals that you have set for yourself. Too often we think life will be better if we have something else and take little time to contemplate the happiness that we have right now. Until we accept now there can be no future.

  2. So true. I remember when I used to be quite overweight...any time I tried to lose weight, whatever I attempted did not work until I accepted myself exactly the way I was first. When I did that, it seemed like almost everything I tried worked! :)
