Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1. The Challenge

I am the girl who hated gym class, never joined a sports team, and never ran. My feet hurt if I walked more than one block. The first time I attempted using a skateboard down the slightly sloping concrete walkway of my East Bloomfield home, I fell and broke an ankle. I briefly joined ski club, only to have my one ride to the top of Bristol mountain followed by a very long, terrifying descent, rarely in an upright position.
I am the young woman who never once swam across a pool, whose brain never registered the thought, "Maybe I should join a gym," and who certainly never jogged pushing a stroller!

I am the woman who in middle age,
awoke in a strange land--a gym! 
2008 With friend and trainer, Donna.
Three years of fairly diligent workouts later, with time off for any and all manner of reasons, I succeeded in lowering my blood pressure to normal levels, losing inches and pounds, gaining strength and improving my cardiovascular system.  Though I also lowered my "body age" by six years, fitness evaluation charts however, declare I have the potential to lower this fifty-nine year old body, to a body age of forty-one!
I am the woman who will turn Sixty in October of 2011,
beginning a year-long training regimen,
in order to climb/hike a mountain
on that landmark birthday
--erasing every old misleading tape,
whether mental, spiritual, emotional or physical--
to claim the highest ground.

One foot in front of the other,
step by step,
recording this log of preparation...

I will look out from the top of the mountain.

Monday 10/18/2010
Worked out with Donna.  Keeping heart rate up, worked  leg muscles, shoulders and back, balance, and core. Discussed following workout plan on my own, but building in regular and frequent accountability markers. Will firm up details at Wednesday appointment.  Also discussed plan to begin private Pilates instruction and Yoga classes.

Tuesday 10/19/2010
Called Galter Life Center to arrange block of five private Pilates sessions, after which, will attend group classes.


  1. Good luck! That's an inspiring challenge you've taken on. I'll be rooting for you!

    I remember the day you broke that ankle...Dad carrying you to the car to go to the doctor...and me inheriting the skateboard!

  2. Thanks Steve!
    Good for you inheriting the skateboard, I'd forgotten that. (Of course I never wanted to see it again.) I do remember playing the clarinet in an orchestra concert that night with my foot elevated!?
