Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happiness In The Midst Of Change

Asked by friends, "So, how is the detox going?" ...the answer is complicated.  Part of the day I'm energized, almost to an electric buzz level.  Other times I'm slightly uncomfortable, edgy. Then after the prescribed Ultra Bath each night, I feel fantastic again. Some meals leave me completely stuffed, while others, so very hungry! 

I have a good workout with my trainer this morning, but catch a look at my face near the end--how in the world could it be so red! Jesse says it was actually glowing like I'd been in the sun when I first arrived for our session.  Concerned, I check my blood pressure only to discover it's perfect.

Everything in this seven day prescribed plan is new or different for my body to absorb, adjust to, and benefit from.  That's to be expected if my goal is to attack inflammation, boost my metabolism and immune system, rid my system of toxins and move into providing my body with proper replacements.

This is change, which can have moments of elation at new possibilities, times of disappointment over losing the familiar, and confusion as to exactly what's happening. Eventually we learn our way-- in a new job, location, home, economy, relationship, or health routine. We adjust, discovering how we fit in and where our efforts can best be placed.  We realize over time, even though the change may have been unwelcome at first, it can turn out to be very good for us after all.   

Our responsibility is to choose to see the positive while remaining grateful...not always easy, but it is a choice.  I recently read that ...happiness is 10% actual experiences and 90% is how you perceive those experiences. Setting goals each day and achieving them definitely benefits one's perception of the day!

While my body decides what it should do with these changes -- straight lemon juice with olive oil, probiotics, liver detox-supportive herbs, flax seed, borage oil, magnesium citrate,  two cups of steamed vegetables at lunch and dinner, vegetable broth with seaweed, no sugar/wheat/dairy/eggs/caffeine/alcohol, and more-- my job is to remain utterly convinced this is a great experience.  I'm certain such good changes are taking place that  I will benefit enormously going forward to the next level in my fitness goals and stair climbing.

At the end of the day after that Ultra Bath I mentioned (hot as one can stand it, with 2 c. Epsom salts, 1 c. baking soda and 10 drops lavender essential oil) I know I met my goals for the day.

I'm happy.

...and I choose to believe that red face this morning was the sign of healthy skin coming through...step by step, I'll get there.


No butter!  Still tasted good though.

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